Tools and Resources
Resources and tools for county child welfare agencies in New York State to implement the federal Family First Prevention Services Act law.
Resources from Workshops
The Family First Report Card
The Family First Report Card is a call to action for legislators, counties, provider agencies, OCFS, the judiciary and sister systems to do better. In addition to grades for QRTP quality, the court review process and aftercare services, the report lays out System Recommendations that are critical to meet the shared vision for transformative change.
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Kin-First Placement
Creative Supports for Kinship Placements: Including Flex Funds In Your Kinship Firewall Policy
This issue brief describes options for integrating the use of flexible funds into an LDSS's kin-first firewall policy to support meeting immediate needs of kinship caregivers. The brief provides a proposed process, helpful tips and examples of the flex-funds approaches of several jurisdictions.
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Kin-First Placement
Kinship Champion Curriculum: Family Resource Form
This sample form, created by the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law and used as part of the State's Kinship Champion Curriculum, provides an example of how information about family resources can be collected.
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Kin-First Placement
Kinship Champion Curriculum: Relative/Suitable Other Safety Assessment
This sample form, created by Onondaga County and used as part of the State's Kinship Champion Curriculum, presents an example of a safety assessment that can be used for relatives and other suitable persons.
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Kin-First Placement
Kinship Champion Curriculum: Bringing Family to the Table: Tips and Techniques for Effective Family Engagement
This article, created by Child Trends and used as part of the State's Kinship Champion Curriculum, provides tips and methods for engaging family members and fictive kin in planning for a child in foster care. The article explores each step of the engagement process and best practices for each.
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